Ukrainians surprised by how little many Westerners know about their country

urkrainian folk dance troupe streetAs Ukraine pursues membership in the European Union and NATO, Ukrainians are often surprised by how little many Westerners know about their country.

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The children of war

children donbass

We have a plan to invite


Ukrainian Weddings

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Traditional Ukrainian weddings take place in churches (in Ukrainian - Vinchannya). The bride is in white and the groom is in black. In the Ukrainian villages wedding celebrations are known to continue for days or even during the whole week. Wedding parties are accompanied by lively music and dancing, playing games, lots of drinking and eating.

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The culture of Ukraine

The culture of Ukraine is unique and diverse, which is reflected in its architecture, music and art. Folk culture is fundamental and basic for the Ukrainian national culture.

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Ukrainian music

Many of its ethnic groups living within Ukraine have their own unique musical traditions. The most striking general characteristic of authentic ethnic Ukrainian folk music is the wide use of minor modes. 

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